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Mindfulness Courses

I run mindfulness courses and workshops for adults, and in workplaces and schools for staff and children - online or in south Dorset/Hampshire.
Mindfulness helps us cope with stress and other difficult emotions better, and boosts positive feelings about ourselves and others, according to research.
Mindfulness trains us in focussing our attention (something we get told to do but never get taught!) and so gets us to notice what's going on for us right now.
This means we can deal with things as they are, not as we or others think they should be. This often leads to less stress and acting in ways that work better for ourselves and those around us.

Home: Welcome


​"I've realised that taking time to be aware of myself and my sensations / feelings is not an unproductive waste of time but a really valuable tool to keep healthy - mentally and physically... Life changing!"


MBSR, Wiltshire

​"It has enabled me to get in touch with my body and my mind in ways I never would have thought of. It's surprised me how much of my life I have simply taken for granted and not paid any attention to."

MBSR, Somerset

"I feel that I have gained an enormous amount of awareness and perspective on the mind and the thought paths I have... I have developed a kindness and compassion towards myself and recognised the importance of some stillness in my life."

.b Foundations for teachers, Wiltshire

Home: Testimonials
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